seatbelt buckle replacement:following instructions are for driver sidereplacement. set aside approximately 1.5-2 hrs and god bless you for your patience.1.) put seat in full back position and unbolt both front bolt connecting seat to floor (10mm)2.) using electrical seat switch, move seat all the way forward3.) unscrew plastic pieces covering rear seat floor bolts (philips screwdriver)4.) remove four rear seat floor bolts (10mm)5.) remove electrical harness from car to front of seat (6mm)6.) tip seat on side inside car (no need to remove) and block up with a small cardboard box underneath to level seat somewhat. balance it so that you can get at evereything underneath while sitting in the passanger seat.7.) pry thin metal retainer, and pull electrical connector forward, un-clipping from seat bracket8.) using small flathead screwdriver, release two clips holding brown and orange connectors from seatbelt assembly from the electrical connector backshel and push out.9.) unsrew seatbelt buckle assembly (large torx)10.) cut cable ties to remove seatbelt buckle assembly.11.) install new seatbelt assembly in reverse order - use a couple of new cable ties to prevent the two wires from cathing on anything below seat.WARNING:To avoid accidental deployment and possible personal injury, the backup power supply must be depleted before repairing or replacing any air bag occupant restraints system (ORS) components. To deplete the backup power supply energy, disconnect the battery ground cable and wait one minute. Failure to follow this instructions may result in personal injury.