Autor Wątek: Kody błędów  (Przeczytany 3775 razy)

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Kody błędów
« dnia: Kwiecień 12, 2016, 19:46:52 pm »
Mam problem, po diagnozie błędów zrobionej u znajomego wyskoczyły mi 3 błędy poduszek, szukałem po oznaczeniu ale nigdzie tego nie ma, może ktoś z was miał już styczność z błedami i wie gdzie je zlokalizować : 

kamil civ

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Odp: Kody błędów
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Kwiecień 12, 2016, 20:32:33 pm »
czujniki czujniki czujniki. na gwarancje?


reissue No.JTB00091v2/2008
11 March 2008
Circulate to:   Service Manager   Parts Manager   Warranty Administrator   Service Reception   Technicians

© Jaguar

All rights reserved.

This reissue replaces all previous versions. Please destroy all previous versions. Only refer to the electronic version of this TSB in GTR.

This bulletin supersedes TSB JTB00091/2008 dated 28 February 2008, which should either be destroyed or clearly marked to show it is no longer valid (e.g. with a line across the page). Only refer to the electronic version of this TSB in GTR.

Subject/Concern:   'Check Pedestrian System' Displayed in the IP
The New XK - All With Pedestrian Impact System   
VIN Range: B00001 Onwards
Markets:   All Except NAS
Section:   501-00
Customer reports permanent message 'Check Pedestrian System' displayed in the instrument pack (IP), with DTC U3000-66 or B1006-92 stored detailing the non-deployment memory in the pedestrian protection module has reached maximum stored events.

This version has been issued for a change in Section from 401 to 501.

Cause: Non-deployment events logging at low speeds and dealers unable to clear DTCs, resulting in module replacement. Suggested Customer Concern Code - S40.

Action: Should a customer express concern, configure the Impact classification system. Follow the Service Instruction outlined below.

Repair procedures are under constant review, and therefore times are subject to change; those quoted here must be taken as guidance only. Always refer to DDW to obtain the latest repair time.

Labor Time
Operation Description   Operation No.   Time
Configure the Impact classification system   86.99.74   0.2 hours
Repair/Claim Coding
Causal Part:   C2P 14924
ACES Condition Code:   42
Service Instruction

1. This procedure requires IDS DVD111 with Patch file 3 loaded or later.

Connect a Midtronic battery conditioner/power supply to the vehicle.

2. Connect IDS to the vehicle and begin a new diagnostic session, by entering the correct VIN for the current vehicle.

3. Follow the IDS prompts to read the vehicle configuration.

4. When prompted 'Do you wish to read diagnostic trouble codes?', select 'NO and then press 'tick' to continue.

5. When the 'Content Model' is displayed select 'Vehicle Configuration' tab.

6. Select 'Module Programming' from the 'Vehicle Configuration' menu.

7. Select from the menu 'Configure existing module'.

8. From the drop down menu select 'Impact classification system'. Press 'tick' to continue.

9. Follow all on-screen instructions to complete this task.

10. When the task is completed, exit the current session.

11. Disconnect IDS and the battery charger/power supply.