może to pomoże key-ring transmitter Re-Programming X300: Unlock the car with the key and press ether button three times at 1 second intervals
New virgin key-ring transmitter Programming: Open the boot/trunk lid and drivers door. Switch on the ignition to position II but do not start the engine. Wait for the dash lights to extinguish. within 5 seconds of the lights going out, Rock the valet switch, in the centre console, 5 times. The system will chirp to indicate it has entered learning mode.
On models with seat/mirror/steering wheel memory functions, the first key-ring transmitter will be linked to memory 1, second to memory 2 etc
Press and hold the larger, lock, button on the key-ring transmitter whilst watching the Red LED and ether wait for it to stop flashing or for the system to chirp a confirmation it has got the signal. If the system doesn't receive any signals for 15 seconds, it will chirp twice and exit learn mode
To program further key-ring transmitters, rock the valet switch once. The system will chirp twice for remote number two, three times for number three etc, then press the lock button of the key-ring transmitter as above
When finished, wait 15 seconds for the system to time out and chirp twice, turn off the ignition, close the doors and boot lid.
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