Autor Wątek: ss100 po cyryl mann  (Przeczytany 5218 razy)

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ss100 po cyryl mann
« dnia: Wrzesień 09, 2008, 21:47:13 pm »
niedawno czytalem piekny post na forum niemieckim, gdzie uzytkownik z austrii
szukal informacje na temat ss100 ktory uczestniczyl w rajdow w latach 40ych,
legendarnego ss100, roczn 38 ktory po raz pierwszy prowadzil rajdowiec Cyryl Mann.

chodzilo o to auto:

niedawno temu, prawie dokladnie po roku ktos odpisal w temacie a tu jest
to co napisal:

Sorry but I do not speak German. I hope someone can translate if need be. I do not know what has been said in this thread except of course I can recognise my Father's name and the number plate of the car.

My father was Cyril Mann, who was born and brought up in England. He owned that wonderful car and raced it, eventually selling it to a gentleman in Buffalo, New York, USA in 1952, the year I was born. If you are interested here are some photos of the car.

I would also appreciate any up to date information on the car myself, as of course, I remember nothing of the car only just having been born. I know this is a year old thread, but I just found it in google.

Thank you

Hello Markus,
Firstly, thank you for being able to speak English!! Something us Brits are very bad at ... speaking a foreign language that is.
Yes please I would love more information on this car. Even though I never saw my Father race and never saw that car in real life, I know he loved that car very much. That was a part of his life I was never a part of and have missed out on a lot. I would love to hear from anyone who has any history on the car. I can be emailed at di_franks [at] perhaps you could pass that email onto the new owner. Or of course I can be contacted via the website about my father's cars.

I never knew someone in England owned it!! I could have gone to see it. No matter. I am just so so pleased that over the years people have fallen in love with that car and have kept it going. That would make my Father so proud and happy!

Thank you for your response .

what a wonderful story. ja sie troche ruszylem...

samochod zostal sprzedany do U.S., trafil z powrotem do anglii a rok temu
zostal sprzedany do austrii, gdzie jest do dzis. na niemieckim forum takze
znalazl sie osoba, ktora transportowal wlasnie to auto z anglii do austrii.

polecam fotek na stronke cyryla manna:

« Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 09, 2008, 21:57:30 pm wysłana przez kogutki »