Key in ignition without turning to any position.
Hold turn signal in the flash to pass position, pulled towards you.
Turn key one position (aux) while holding the turn signal handle towards you.
Flash the turn signal handle towards you 4 or 5 times and you should hear a confirmation "chirp" from the security sounder. Also the security light next to the park shift lever will flash on.
After the chirp press all the buttons one at a time on the remote you wish to program listening for the chirp after each press, or a different sounding error tone meaning the programming didn't work.
To program two or more remotes, which will be required if more than one will be used, follow step 5 procedures one remote after another until all have been programmed.
Turn off the ignition and test all features of the remote(s).
If you did not get the initial chirp confirming the programming, or learning, mode, there could be either a problem with the security module or a problem with the procedure. The flashes after turning the key require a certain amount of feel, very rapid or very slow flashing will not work. The 4 or 5 flashes should take about 3 seconds, not rapid fire.
If your having difficulties, check to make sure the remote(s) have good batteries and are placed in the remote correctly, or change the speed of the flashing of the turn signal handle
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