Dział Techniczny => XF (2008 - obecnie) => Wątek zaczęty przez: tet w Październik 01, 2014, 06:17:52 am

Tytuł: Boczek drzwi
Wiadomość wysłana przez: tet w Październik 01, 2014, 06:17:52 am

Panowie czy jest jakaś instrukcja/schemat ściągania boczku drzwi w Jaguarze XF ? Nigdy tego nie robiłem i nie chciałbym czegoś uszkodzić prawdopodobnie przy montażu audio coś źle zmontowali ponieważ prawe drzwi (od pasażera) z tyłu i przodu się nie zamykają. Nie mam czasu jechać na poprawki do warsztatu jeżeli to coś prostego może uda się naprawić w garażu.
Tytuł: Odp: Boczek drzwi
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Amator ze hey w Październik 02, 2014, 18:16:44 pm
Zaczerpnięto "na wydrę" z anglojęzycznego forum.

here we go

this is a front door card removal procedure:
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Locate and gently press on the edge of this cap, it should flip out showing the 1st screw to be removed.

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Using a flat bladed screwdriver flip off these two caps located under the armrest.

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Then look on the top edge of the door card and you will see a triangular bit of trim here

gently pry this bit of trim off underneath you will find another torx screw remove this screw.

You should now be able to remove the door card, start at the bottom gripping the card and sharply tugging it towards you (takes a bit of effort) the bottom should come away from the door, then work your way towards the top of the door pulling the card towards you, when you get to the top. pull the top gently but firmly towards you and the full card should come away, at this point STOP and look down the top edge of the card and you will see this

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get hold of the cable and push it back towards the door and it will unclip from the locating slot, you can then unhook it. this will allow the card far enough towards you to see the wiring to the switches etc, on each connector there is a tang that you press and this allows the plugs to be pulled out and the card can be removed.

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now the card has been removed you will see the speaker block as in the pic, removed all the torx screws from around the speaker block then remove it.

When refitting the door card 1st fit all electrical connectors then locate the bottom in the plastic clips (dont push fully home yet)and swing the card up and refit the door opener cable making sure its correctly in its locating slot, then push the card against the door and push it firmly onto the top clips then go around the panel making sure the clips are located in the holes then push all the clips fully home.

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Refit all screws and caps and its job done.

The rear cards are a bit easier, firstly remove the rubber cover in the bottom of the grab handle here

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lift this cover out and you should see these 2 Torx screws

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remove them both.
then locate the screw cap in the door handle recess

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remove the cap by pressing a screwdriver on one edge (like tiddlywinks) remove the screw beneath it.
you can now pull the card towards you starting again from the bottom, then unhook the handle cable and the electrical cables you should now see this

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Tytuł: Odp: Boczek drzwi
Wiadomość wysłana przez: rmazurek w Listopad 16, 2014, 14:54:56 pm
Dzięki za wstawienie.
Dodam od siebie, ze anglojęzyczne forum nie wspomina o jeszcze jednym dodatkowym wkręcie trzymającym boczek.

