A tak orientacyjnie... Ile oleju wchodzi do skrzyni?
I czym dolać? Bo widzę, że ten otwór idzie w górę miski. Jakaś strzykawka?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MAMseFY8GpYI cała procedura po angielsku
Engage all gear positions for a minimum of three
seconds with the engine running and all brakes
• When starting the fluid level check, make sure that
the engine idles between 600 and 750 rpm with the
transmission in park
Transmission Filler Plug Tool 307-452
1. Loosen the oil fill plug immediately after starting
the engine using special tool 307-452
2. If transmission fluid does not come out of the filler
plug hole, top up the fluid level with the correct
transmission oil (See GTR) until oil drains out of the
bore, then stop adding fluid.
3. Wait until the temperature is between 30°C (85°F)
and 50°C (120°F)
4. Wait until fluid has been dripping for at least one
minute or the temperature has reached 50°C (120°F).
Do not let fluid temperature exceed 50°C (120°F).
Do not switch off the engine until the fluid plug has
been replaced.
5. The fluid plug should be tightened to a calculated
torque of 35 Nm. Calculate torque as follows. (A)
and (B) refer to the illustration below.
a. Multiply the effective length of the torque wrench
(A) by 35 Nm.
b. Add the effective length of the special tool (B)
to the effective length of the torque wrench (A).
c. Divide the total from step 5a by the total from
step 5b.
d. Set the torque wrench to the figure arrived at in
step 5c.
6. Fit the plug with new sealing washer and tighten
plug to the torque calculated in step 5. Refer to GTR
for more information
I jeszcze pytanko jak sprawdzales tym palcem to jak? Na zapalonym silniku bieg jałowy i temperatura skrzyni oleju 30-50°C??