Autor Wątek: ASR  (Przeczytany 2444 razy)


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« dnia: Październik 31, 2011, 12:43:15 pm »
Mam pytanie,kupilem s type 2005r 4.2L V8 sport i sprzedajacy twierdzi ze jest w nim ASR
Nie widze w srodku nic co mowi o tym systemie jest ESP
On twierdzi ze to jest automatyczne i nie mozna go wylaczyc
Czy to mozliwe?czy sciema?

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Odp: ASR
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Październik 31, 2011, 13:06:46 pm »

ASR (Acceleration Slip Regulation) jest nazwa pierwotnego systemu kontroli trakci koncernu Daimler. ASR w zasadzie
dbal "tylko" o to, ze os, na ktorym sterownik odkryl poszlig, byla odlaczona od napedu. ASR jest jednym z elementu
dzisziejszego systemu ESP (Electronic Stability Control).

"ESP" jest znakiem towarowym koncernu Daimler AG, dlatego w Jaguarzie ten system nazywa sie DSC (Dynamic Stability
Control), i taki posiadasz w swoim kocie:


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Odp: ASR
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Październik 31, 2011, 14:04:33 pm »
Troche to dziwme
Esp i Asr maja inne dzialanie
W opisie jest ze sa dwa systemy Asr i Esp
W innych autach Asr mozna wylaczyc
Pytanie tylko czy s type maja system Asr czyli antyposlizg?

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Odp: ASR
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Październik 31, 2011, 14:08:43 pm »
Ale w jakim opisie?

Ogolnie ESP (DSC, to jest to samo) to: ABS+ASR+Asystent hamowania.

Traction control works like this:

The anti-lock brake system (ABS) modulates brake pressure on each wheel independently to maintain vehicle stability during braking. The ABS continually monitors the rotational velocity of each wheel anytime the ignition switch is in the run position and determines if a tire is skidding when the brakes are applied. Only then does the ABS intervene to modulate the brake pressure to the skidding wheel. The modulation continues until the wheel rotates freely. The brake pressure is then restored and the modulate/restore cycle is repeated whenever skidding is detected. This cycle occurs at a rate of several times per second.

The ABS module is capable of detecting the following system conditions:

  • hydraulic valve failure
  • wheel speed sensor failure
  • ABS power relay short circuit
  • interconnect failures to the ABS sensors, power and ground to the ABS module
  • over/under voltage conditions. The ABS provides self-diagnostics and displays failure messages via the ABS indicator in the instrument cluster. Failure of the ABS module, for whatever reason, will not compromise the normal operation of the brake system.

The Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) system includes the:

  • anti-lock brake system.
  • yaw/lateral control.
  • full speed traction control. The DSC system manages the braking system to enhance the driver control of the vehicle.

The DSC system continually monitors the steering wheel angle, master cylinder brake pressure, front and rear wheel speeds, vehicle yaw and lateral rate acceleration.

The yaw/lateral rate sensor supplies a signal to the DSC module, via a serial link, which monitors the vehicles rate of acceleration from its central axis in a sideways direction, and also the vehicles angular rotation around it's central axis.

The driver input parameters are continually monitored via the brake master cylinder dynamic stability control sensor, the brake pedal travel sensor and the steering wheel angle sensor.

DSC is enabled/disabled via the traction control ON/OFF switch.

Self-diagnosis of the DSC system is provided via the instrument cluster message centre.

Traction control is an additional function added to the ABS/DSC system. The vehicles driven wheels are continually monitored for wheel spin relative to the calculated reference speed and to each other. If wheel spin is detected, the traction control function intervenes independently of the driver, applying brake pressure to the slipping wheel and reducing the engine drive torque supply. Meanwhile, brake pressure is modulated by the traction control until traction is re-established. Traction control brake actuation is diminished above 40 km/h (25 mph). Above this speed traction control relies primarily on engine torque reduction.

Traction control is enabled/disabled via the traction control ON/OFF switch. When the switch is in the (OFF) position, the amber traction control warning lamp solidly illuminates within the instrument cluster message centre. The traction control is automatically activated when the ignition is switched on. Self-diagnosis of the traction control system is also provided via the instrument cluster message centre.

The traction control brake intervention is automatically disabled whenever the brakes exceed a temperature limit. The traction brake intervention will remain disabled until the brakes have cooled, irrespective of ignition switch position or ignition switch cycling.


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Odp: ASR
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Październik 31, 2011, 14:35:54 pm »
Ok zalapalem
Mowiac opis chodzilo mi o notke serwisu gdzie kupilem auto
Ale wszystko jest jasne
Dzieki za pomoc i pozdrawiam